Lesung mit Oscar Cásares

Lesung mit Oscar Cásares


Oscar Cásares is from a town called Brownsville, located at the southern end of the Rio Grande River, just across the bridge from Matamoros, Mexico. Originally from San Luis Potosí, his ancestors settled in this border region back in the 1850s, and since then have spread far and wide across the country.

When he is not involved in teaching creative writing courses at the University of Texas at Austin, Oscar Cásares writes novels, stories, and essays about the border. His first book was a story collection called Brownsville, which was named a Notable Book of 2004 by the American Library Association. Amigoland, his first novel, was selected for the 2009 Austin Mayor’s Book Club, a citywide reading initiative by Austin Public Library.

In his talk here in Augsburg, he will introduce his new novel, Where We Come From, to the audience, which was published in May 2019. According to the author, it is “a lot of things—too many to list here—but what I can tell you is that I wrote it to understand what happens when you are separated from a place or a person but a piece of that place or person never leaves you.”


Stadtbücherei Augsburg | 09.07.2019 | 18 Uhr | freier Eintritt